edited version by MHHB »

Thursday, December 18, 2008

my N80 soupeD!!!!! finding a new set of canon 450d

been a long time since i've updated my posts... a lot of things happened as i'm a buzy dad and a buzy husband too... at the early month of december we went to Rizqun Hotel in Gadong with kandy's grandmother and aunts... yep it was fun being in our own hotels...

the story was this... guys don't call me at my b mobile phone for now because i went swimming and teaching jr to swim when i actually "souped" my nokia n80 and it was actually a chilling feeling having to use it for 3 years and i actually "washed" it. imagine i was introducing a toddler to the water which i guess took 30 to 40 minutes of chlorinated water in my phone... it is sad to find out my most "Kinda" advanced phone is friend to the water :(

so now what i'm doing during the holidays is surfing the net to find the right phone for my daily use. some specs i require is Wifi, 3g, mp4, video so i decided to look for the nokia n96 and nokia n85 but seem to risky to buy these models now because of the decreasing value when time passes.

i also did ask "av electronics" for the apple iphone, as i was fascinated by their black macbook which is what i'm using right now to type this post. eventually i finally founded out that the iphone has not been launched in brunei..dunno why.

so like i always do, i surf the net in search of my destiny phone... yep i prefer the IPhone to the N96. anyways now it is destiny to buy my new phone using the "bonus" season salary. and reserved is a new canon 450d kit with 5 lens, a flash set, tripods and a lowerpro bag (hopefully)

Monday, December 1, 2008


i'm confused on whether to invest on a new bike, a new car, or further my experience in photography... hmmm anyways yellow is wonderfulhehehhe (hint)




Sunday, November 23, 2008

whats been going on...



well, it's been long i've been silent... a lot had happen though, with the changes in place of work, work, and work... heheh

been looking at some new tv series like heroes season 3, fringe, and chuck season 2.

i like the new characters in Heroes where there is a twist to every episode in season 1 or season 2.
fringe is an " x files series twisted with csi kinda thing" i don't know... erm try looking at it though it is a good tv series.
chuck season 2 is absolutely fun... comedy and action.

my son now knows how to climb things and stuff it will be his birthday next month and everyone in the world is celebrating :)

Friday, October 17, 2008

shocking plastics in our food!!!

in our daily food there are plastics??? yep melamine plastic the ones which they use to make electrical plugs which are shatter proof they make for plates, bowls, rice spoons etc. why? because it is cheap plastic.

for weeks i heard that one of the sweets which is the white rabbit milk sweets contains melamine!!!damn!! i ate that since i was small but we were not sure of it's halal contents.

and because i always drink mr brown canned coffee, and had to stop hence the reports... but i made a direct approach by surfing the internet and the story about the coffee and i i smiled!!! here are the results......>>> click here<<< .........

Thursday, October 16, 2008

a new experience

today was my last day working at my place for 5 years, anyhows started today at my new place to work.

i was thinking about things to come, new objectives, new vision, new mission.

i leaped to another scheme today, learning to know how to implement unknown areas i flashback my memories to my years of attachments in UBD.

may this leap be blessed by god .... amiin

Sunday, October 12, 2008

hilarious video hahahah.

i was looking at this video while bored and had a great laugh.

Do Not Laugh - Funny blooper videos are here

Saturday, October 11, 2008

we went hari raya today

Here are some pics taken randomly by me: aka fazer739, streetkandy, akie, master. at our trip in visiting kandy's relatives in BSB

Sunday, September 28, 2008

escape me...

Escape me

in a world of cruelty,
in a world of hypocrites,
in a world of suffocating...
the weak.

my eardrums bleed,
as i hear the false sounds,
of the truth converted to lies,
my brothers, killed..torture,

why?oh why?
is it for the sake of wealth?,
the sake of dominance?,
while we fight against terrorism,

others are cruelty killed,
Gaza strip...not even mentioned,
covered by a misleading theme,
why oh why?

Islam is peace,
Islam is not a terrorist religion,
so what is the KKK?
aren't they terrorist?

still we ignore the killing,
still we so called war against terror,
who is the terrorist?
Bush is from father to son..

i prey for them who suffer,
having a suffering Aidilfitri,
god is great, god is merciful,
god knows and god helps..


Thursday, September 25, 2008

oh Ramadhan a month of reason...

what do think about when the sun rises and goes down?
can you think of the cries and hunger of people,
around you...across the oceans under the same sun and moon.
what is the reason for you to live.

life has it's own reasons,
what are your aims?
what are your visions?
the morning mist cools you,
and the rain is droplets of life..

as the azan kills the silence,
i turn to silence, i turn to silence,
my heart is with you Allah the almighty.
i am in peace, with you and Muhammad is my messenger..
forgive me for my sins, forgive me for my sins..

in this morning, in the month of ramadhan,
i have fear of leaving your month of cleanliness,
but i know there is a month of victory as these tears shall dry,
dry and hope for the next ramadhan, the month of truth.

Hopefully.... my dreams will come true.

73 ere
yesterday got to Huaho Yayasan and got an invoice for my future SLR camera.. and after that i think you are going to see some crappy pics hehehhehe because it will take time for you to get use to a new camere. From a Panasonic Lumix to a Nikon (hopefully) will be a great change in function or on the exchangable lens. Thanks to my "guru" in fotography...(you know who you are) for letting me know what i really am passionate about... in the month of ramadhan, the month of cleansing..

yes yesterday i got the chance to see the SOAS mosque once more at night, after all the fuss about taking the pictures because i was actually jealous from my guru, i started to click some photos here are some errors and one pic is uploaded to my flickr account. enjoy.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Ramadhan stalls, yum yum


me and 52 went to the ramadhan stalls today..jr312 was with us, he was very excited and ran to every puddle of water he sees.. i guess that is what he always does with midnight's son Hasbul haq heheheh.
we got some pics of our visit, some of the pics i've uploaded to my flickr...
anyways feel free to comment.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

a walk to discover...

73 ere
today i got up early, hmm i mean i can't sleep nowadays, i got my schedule upside down, due to the fasting month.
ok back to my story, i was walking from home deciding to snap some pics i might get from going walking it was a morning full of morning mist and the sun was barely up i was walking to the project area for paddy fields in kampong tanjung maya and here is what i got....

there will be more pics i'll upload it on my flicker.. enjoy!!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

what i wish to have in the future...


well it is a panasonic Lumix slr. hmm imagine changing leica lens!!!

look at this link > http://panasonic.net/pavc/lumix/systemcamera/dslr/index.html

or this model......

depending on my budget though.


Thursday, September 11, 2008

it flies!!! it stings!!! and deadly!!!

these are some pics i took of a bee or is it a wasp today,

people say that this bugger alone can kill a water buffalo.

not much to say, enjoy!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

aliens!!!!a giant cricket, looks beautiful but sounds deadly!!

assalam 73 ere..

this cricket usually lives on trees in the rainforest, a friend handled the insect, it made a eardrum smashing sound like the clack things you spin on your hand but decibel is intense!!! look closely at it's back... there is the thing that clacks to produce sound. i guess it is the way the cricket protects itself.... hmmm how perfect is god's creation!!! masya allah!!!. look closely at it's wings which looks like a leaf... there are some jewels!!! i guess they like blings hehehhe...

side view of the cricket...it is as large as half of a jewel case of a cd.

look closely at the brown thing behind it's back, that thing vibrates your eardrums!!!


surprise attack!!!

asalam 73 ere.

me, 52 and jr 312 was on our way home and when we reached home our cat was staring at something beside our garage.
then i realised it was a big snake!!! yep... a python... swamp python (ular sawah).
this was the most daring attempt of these snakes coming near our house... i think it is the 3rd time i saw a snake near our house... other than that is huge monitor lizards (biawak).
sadly i didn't bring my n80 and any camera. so i borrowed another phone which is a Nokia flip model which i don't know... anyhows hope you like the pic.
picture taken when the fire department came and asked for a big bag to carry the python which i consider is medium sized.imagine the snake won't fit an ordinary 10kg rice bag.

Monday, September 8, 2008

ramadhan....a month of cleansing..

assalamualaikum 73 ere...

it's been the 8th day of ramadhan i think it was just like yesterday...
yep, yesterday when we all were eating and drinking..
brings me to think of "them" who doesn't have food and water...
think of the famine in the world... alhamdulillah my country is ok...

yes for me ramadhan is the month of cleansing, the month of knowing your roots..
knowing and setting the limit of not just dieting... but in all aspects,
it is the month of knowing if you are a true muslim,
knowing you don't really need the materials in this world to survive..

the sad ending is when ramadhan leaves...
i'll miss this month every year though....
it was in these pure month i had bitter events...
but i realise god is with me...and he wants me to see everything.

alhamdullilah. wasalam

Friday, August 29, 2008

got a flicker photo album

73 ere
check out my flicker album and feel free to comment thanks

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Opening!!!!!! Streetkandy's cakes and biscuits


73 ere...
Well, today we are buzy with setting up for kandy and her untie's booth in Petani mall near HuaHo Tutong. it is an expo for the anniversary of the HuaHo and Brunei Grand Sale.

well for more info please log on to kandy's order blog.

click here >>>> www.kandycorner.blogspot.com<<<<

Friday, August 22, 2008

tagged by hanee :)

73 ere.

3 golden rules

-State 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself.

-The 10 people I tag are then to write their own 15 weird things/habits and little known facts.

-No tag backs

1. i always sleepwalk and turn off my alarm without even remembering.

2. i always speak in unknown words after i wake up from sleep.

3. i can sleep in my car when exhausted.

4. i hate eating durian. (although here it is a favourable food!)

5. i can cook.

6. sometimes i forget where i put things when exactly it is in my hand (grip).

7. i like to travel without any plan to travel.

8. i always black out when i get exhausted.

9. i use an additional filter when i smoke.

10. i seldom wear glasses when riding using my half faced helmet on my motorcycle.

11. i forget names of my cousins.

12. sometimes i mix up the names of friends.

13. i have the passion for antique cars and motorcycles.

14. i love 4x4.

15. i always go twice for a planned shopping day.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

a picture speaks a thousand words....

picture 1a

picture 1b

picture 1c

picture 2

picture 3

picture 4

picture 5

picture 6

picture 7

picture 8

picuture 9

picture 10

picture 11

picture 12

picture 13

picture 14

picture 15

picture 16

picture 17

picture 18
picture 19

picture 20
picture 21

picture 22

picture 23

picture 24
picture 25

picture 26
