edited version by MHHB »

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

aliens!!!!a giant cricket, looks beautiful but sounds deadly!!

assalam 73 ere..

this cricket usually lives on trees in the rainforest, a friend handled the insect, it made a eardrum smashing sound like the clack things you spin on your hand but decibel is intense!!! look closely at it's back... there is the thing that clacks to produce sound. i guess it is the way the cricket protects itself.... hmmm how perfect is god's creation!!! masya allah!!!. look closely at it's wings which looks like a leaf... there are some jewels!!! i guess they like blings hehehhe...

side view of the cricket...it is as large as half of a jewel case of a cd.

look closely at the brown thing behind it's back, that thing vibrates your eardrums!!!



Anonymous said...

Well well well......
