edited version by MHHB »

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Hopefully.... my dreams will come true.

73 ere
yesterday got to Huaho Yayasan and got an invoice for my future SLR camera.. and after that i think you are going to see some crappy pics hehehhehe because it will take time for you to get use to a new camere. From a Panasonic Lumix to a Nikon (hopefully) will be a great change in function or on the exchangable lens. Thanks to my "guru" in fotography...(you know who you are) for letting me know what i really am passionate about... in the month of ramadhan, the month of cleansing..

yes yesterday i got the chance to see the SOAS mosque once more at night, after all the fuss about taking the pictures because i was actually jealous from my guru, i started to click some photos here are some errors and one pic is uploaded to my flickr account. enjoy.

