edited version by MHHB »

Monday, September 8, 2008

ramadhan....a month of cleansing..

assalamualaikum 73 ere...

it's been the 8th day of ramadhan i think it was just like yesterday...
yep, yesterday when we all were eating and drinking..
brings me to think of "them" who doesn't have food and water...
think of the famine in the world... alhamdulillah my country is ok...

yes for me ramadhan is the month of cleansing, the month of knowing your roots..
knowing and setting the limit of not just dieting... but in all aspects,
it is the month of knowing if you are a true muslim,
knowing you don't really need the materials in this world to survive..

the sad ending is when ramadhan leaves...
i'll miss this month every year though....
it was in these pure month i had bitter events...
but i realise god is with me...and he wants me to see everything.

alhamdullilah. wasalam

