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Saturday, February 28, 2009

Some photos i took of tutong using long exposure.

here are some pictures i took of tutong town at night. during my small brother's dinner before he left to study in Perth. dedicated to Hasbulhadi my small brother..

Tutong CBD

Tutong CBD 2

Tutong CBD 4

just wanna write today.

after a long time observing and trying to put in someone's shoe i finally got an answer to all my problems, for me to exactly tell or argue on something you have to really know the idea, the thinking, and if you can the emotions.

for example being a photographer always needs the thinking of uniqueness, an idea of how people may perceive the picture and the thinking of how to get the right angle, composition and colour. yep there is no "stepping stone" in learning, experiments and trial and error you must go through to be a perfect photographer or anything else you desire.

been playing "world of warcraft" and the game although i thought was a waste of time (before) ended giving me some tips in life... what tips? well, the tips of how to learn and become skillful, similar to the game which is in levels..

been wondering what are the basic rules in child discipline is... i googled it out and found this beautiful article which is the link below on how to discipline your child. anyways for me some of the rules is what i am doing right now.. hmm tell me what do you think?

the article was here

ok happy reading and if you think you want to add or comment, please comment below or fast comment on my shoutbox.

my teenage favourite character unveiled.

i was browsing through the net and youtube looking for bike videos for my son when i accidently saw this clip from a video game. yep my previous favourite game characters, Sub-zero and Scorpion fighting.... i really enjoyed this clip before.. just to explain what i mean here is the video.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

some slideshows of the Dreamcharters promotional shoot 2009

got me thinking (just a thought)


my job requires me to do planning on every weekend, which absolutely leaves me with no time for actual "life" and every fridays i have to bring my wife to our daily commitments. this leaves me with no time to enjoy the so called life and time.

my bike has problems after it was in the flood, i guess it must have been the wiring or something, so at the end of this month my bike will ask for money though.

my son is okay, having to see Playhouse disney everyday.. he understands some parts of english, thanks to the good educational programme :)

tomorrow i'll be observed by my boss, on how i do my work, hope everything goes well amin.

about my photography hobby, i started to make hdr photos, but i guess i kinda like the originals as hdr are mainly a synthetic kinda photo, it shows details of what a dream might look. no offense but i still prefer normal photos without editing. now thinking of taking photos with film.(will look for canon film cameras soon on ebay)

well, enough about my boring life, will continue soon, c ya in my other posts.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

experimenting HDR

after a long time wondering and studying HDR i finally started to try some,
yep i first took some shots of the halim plaza which was not sucessful then i took these pictures, convert it to HDR using photomatix. cropped and mark using photoshop cs2. it's still not much.. hope you enjoy.

jumbled motorhead


Friday, February 13, 2009

more pics to get me feelin well.

although under medication with painkillers picture taking had healed myself spiritually to appreciate god's creation.

fire ants


Thursday, February 12, 2009

random new shots for today 12 feb 09

Al hajjah maryam mosque



Thursday, February 5, 2009

been buzy with updating my school's blog.

yep been buzy with updating my school's blog so i have no time to post, anyways here are some photos i took with my canon 450d during the flooding, enjoy!
