edited version by MHHB »

Friday, February 22, 2008



what is the perfect story for life? think of it as a scene beside the beach, looking from the window in a perfect scenery of your hotel room or just simply looking at the mystics of a flower how it grows from seed to stem to bud to flower to seed. yep that is the function of life, from in the womb to a baby to toddler to teenager to mature to old and back again to nothing.

sometimes the simple things in life are not heard, where actually god gives you messages indirectly, simply we sometimes hear and ignore. perhaps when i tell you after this, hopefully you begin to realise it. that is why in the quran humans are made to be all perfect, the brain somehow is perfect to learn and master.it is the function of being human we are given to judge and feel about the right thing in life. in general we have the ability to think of what is good and what is not.

simple things are made for us to think about it, like the stones in the ground, although it is hard it stays in the ground but it's function is to be stepped on, building bigger buildings, we all need it and everything has a purpose, that is why it was created. like us as people what is our function? well you guess... just get more time to think about it though

and now i've run out of ideas c ya in the next blog.

