edited version by MHHB »

Sunday, January 4, 2009

experimenting with panoramic pictures... and some results

i've been experimenting with some panoramic pictures which is one or more pictures merged together to get a much wider view (hence panoramic).

items you need:
of course a camera,
a tripod (or a steady base)
for digital camera, photoshop.
for film camera a scanner and photoshop.( or tape and sharp knife or cutter when printed)
a good scene.

i was actually interested in scene pictures when i discovered the ideas of "stitching" my uncle gantong said. or in other meaning, merging two or more picture to get one really great pic. Here are some examples of pictures i've taken.

first i took this picture on the right. remember this is on a tripod and all manual settings such as manual focus and camera must be set to manual aperture and shutter speed.

then i took this second shot taking note the island on the left as my marking mark.

uploaded it to my macbook and opened photoshop.

opened the two pictures equally and put the second pic window on top of the first pic window estimating the island as marked.

then i open file>automate>photomerge

then the pictures are merged, however we can manually merge it if the file is not recognisable.

then i crop and edited the burnt sides with photoshop plus the watermark. the outcome is the picture below.

hope you can try it out :)

