73 ere
check out my flicker album and feel free to comment thanks
Friday, August 29, 2008
got a flicker photo album
Posted by -=xx 7three5two xx=- at 7:28 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Opening!!!!!! Streetkandy's cakes and biscuits
73 ere...
Well, today we are buzy with setting up for kandy and her untie's booth in Petani mall near HuaHo Tutong. it is an expo for the anniversary of the HuaHo and Brunei Grand Sale.
well for more info please log on to kandy's order blog.
click here >>>><<<<
Posted by -=xx 7three5two xx=- at 5:47 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 22, 2008
tagged by hanee :)
73 ere.
3 golden rules
-State 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself.
-The 10 people I tag are then to write their own 15 weird things/habits and little known facts.
-No tag backs
1. i always sleepwalk and turn off my alarm without even remembering.
2. i always speak in unknown words after i wake up from sleep.
3. i can sleep in my car when exhausted.
4. i hate eating durian. (although here it is a favourable food!)
5. i can cook.
6. sometimes i forget where i put things when exactly it is in my hand (grip).
7. i like to travel without any plan to travel.
8. i always black out when i get exhausted.
9. i use an additional filter when i smoke.
10. i seldom wear glasses when riding using my half faced helmet on my motorcycle.
11. i forget names of my cousins.
12. sometimes i mix up the names of friends.
13. i have the passion for antique cars and motorcycles.
14. i love 4x4.
15. i always go twice for a planned shopping day.
Posted by -=xx 7three5two xx=- at 8:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: answers, strange me, tagged, what u think
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
a picture speaks a thousand words....
woke up early today and caught some pictures on the way to work. here are some snaps i took today. feel free to comment and enjoy.
Posted by -=xx 7three5two xx=- at 5:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: asean, heritage, lake, places of interest in brunei, tasek merimbun
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
using panasonic lumix dmc-fz30
assalam, 73 ere
yep, it was good because our "uncle gantong" borrowed us his camera which teaches me some of the basics in photography. it's been a week plus i've used the camera.
yesterday i used it in taking shots for my work and the pics are great!!.
i guess i must own one soon, although i am interested in the nikon or canon range. this camera is a must for emergency picture taking and colour experimenting with the leica lens. 8 megapixels and the ability of taking pictures autotmatically, manual, shutter priority, apperture priority and video recording.
i wish to try the new version of the lumix (fz50) it has 10 megapixels.
i've uploaded new pics on abstract and wedding folders.. enjoy.
Posted by -=xx 7three5two xx=- at 7:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: digital camera., dmc-fz30, fz30, lumix, panasonic, review
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
morning blues.....
woke up early this morning because i was eager to shoot at merimbun heritage park to catch the sunrise, yesterday i passed there around 7 in the morning but the sun was high in the sky.
anyhows today i managed to get some shots of the sunrise in tasek merimbun, mist shots, bird shots.
anyhows enjoy
Posted by -=xx 7three5two xx=- at 6:50 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
useful knowledge!
1 - Niat Sembahyang :
Sebenarnya memeliharakan taubat kita dari dunia dan akhirat.
2 - Berdiri Betul :
Fadilatnya, ketika mati dapat meluaskan tempat kita di dalam kubur.
3 - Takbir-ratul Ihram :
Fadilatnya, sebagai pelita yang menerangi kita di dalam kubur.
4 - Fatihah :
Sebagai pakaian yang indah-indah di dalam kubur.
5 - Ruqu' :
Sebagai tikar kita di dalam kubur.
6 - I'tidal :
Akan memberi minuman air dari telaga al-kautsar ketika didalam kubur.
7 - Sujud :
Memagar kita ketika menyeberangi titian SIRATUL-MUSTAQIM.
8 - Duduk antara 2 Sujud :
Akan menaung panji-panji nabi kita didalam kubur
9 - Duduk antara 2 Sujud (akhir) :
Menjadi kenderaan ketika kita dipadang Mahsyar.
1 0 - Tahhiyat Akhir :
Sebagai penjawab bagi soalan yang dikemukakan oleh Munkar & Nankir di dalam kubur.
11 - Selawat Nabi :
Sebagai pendinding api neraka di dalam kubur.
12 - Salam :
Memelihara kita di dalam kubur.
13 - Tertib :
Akan pertemuan kita dengan Allah S. W. T.
Dari Abdullah bin 'Amr R. A., Rasulullah S. A. W.bersabda :
"Senarai di atas adalah salah satu sebab mengapa orang Yahudi /
Kafir tidak sukakan angka 13 dan juga Hari Jumaat. Itulah sebab mengapa mereka mencipta cerita yang begitu seram sekali iaitu " FRIDAY the 13th " jika ada di kalangan kamu yang perasan!!!"
"Sampaikanlah pesanku biarpun satu ayat..." Sebaik-baik manusia itu adalah mereka yang memberi manafa'at kepada manusia lain...
Posted by -=xx 7three5two xx=- at 9:22 PM 0 comments
new photos uploaded MERIMBUN HERITAGE PARK.
73 ere,
it was a hot day after work, i saw the clouds look like it was going to rain,so i took the opportunity to go to merimbun and capture some pics of our Heritage lake.
Posted by -=xx 7three5two xx=- at 7:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: asean, heritage, lake, park, tasek merimbun, tasik, tutong.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
some photos i just took for today..
hello there, 7 ere
after a long silince and busy with life i finally came back today.
someone was kind enough to lend us a camera to try out and practice.
anyhows here are some samples.
anyhows to view more go to this link
Posted by -=xx 7three5two xx=- at 8:46 PM 0 comments